night and day. By Magnus Robb and illustrated by Killian Mullarney.
2008, The Sound Approach.
This is a comprehensive exploration of the petrels of Europe and North
Africa. You can listen to previously unpublished digital stereo recordings
of 23 species of petrels nesting on islets, islands and coasts of the
North Atlantic and the Mediterranean. You will learn how to separate them
by ear, with the help of clearly annotated sonagrams. You can read the
author's tales of making the recordings, and learn where to go to experience
the birds.
There is a series
of full-colour plates and photographs for birdwatchers and especially
seawatchers. Many if the photographs were taken at the same time as the
recordings. Most importantly, read how the latest research is leading
to the recognition of new - European - species, some of which are exceedingly
rare. Written and illustrated by enthusiasts so be warned: this book could
be the start of a serious obsession.
300 pages, 20,5 x 28,8 cm, Hardback, Illustrations: 18 colour plates +
numerous colour photos. Includes two CDs with 127 recordings. ISBN-13:
you'll find an interesting review by Angus Wilson for Oceanwanderers
of the Atlantic Islands Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores & Cape
Verde. By Tony Clarke and illustrated by Chris Orgill and Tony Disley.
2006, Helm Field Guides.
This is the first comprehensive field guide dealing exclusively with the
birds of this spetacular region. It covers all resident, migrant and vagrant
species found in Macaronesia which comprises the Canary Islands, Madeira,
Azores and Cape Verde. Over 450 species are illustrated with full details
of all the plumage variations and for all major subspecies which are likely
to be found anywhere in the area. Concise text offers descriptions of
identification, status, range, habits and song. This authoritative book
will not only be an indispensable guide to the visiting birder, but also
a vital tool for those engaged in work to conserve and study the avifauna
of this region. The Atlantic Islands shelter a remarkable diversity of
birds, many seriously endangered with small and vulnerable ranges.
368 pages, 23,4 x 15,6 cm, paperback. Illustrations: 56 colour plates.
ISBN 9780713660234
Birds of the Atlantic
Islands: volume 1, a history of the birds of the Canary Islands and of
the Salvages. Bannerman, D. A., 1963. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh
& London.
related articles about the archipelago
There is a huge bibliography on Selvagens. The first record of a known
scientist on Selvagem Grand was Captain Cook on "Endurance"
with Banks on board. It was doubtful if they ever landed and the real
purpose of the landfall was for navigational purposes.
Only Mougin must have published 30-40 papers on Selvagens
birds as well as Roux, and Frank Zino have been involved in many of these
publications, which see below.
published recently
Bister, H. 2005.
Selvagensöarna dukat bord med havets läckerheter.
Roadrunner 4: 40-47. (The paper contains 35 photos, though the text
is in Swedish language). |
N. 2005. A birding trip to the Salvage Islands. Birding World
8: 325-337 (The article contains 19 photographs from the trip, of
which 13 are on seabirds). |
about Selvagens
(compiled by Frank Zino)
M.J. & Zino, F. 1997. Pelagodroma marina - White-faced Storm-petrel.
In The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their Distribution and
Abundance. (Eds: E.J.M. Hagemeijer and M.J. Blair) pp: 26. T &
A. D. Poyser, London. |
M., Carruthers, M. & Zino, F. 1992. Unravelling the mystery
of the Tyne Petrels. Birding World 5: 438-442 |
R.J.G., Parkin, D., Cubitt, M., Pyong-oh, W. & Zino, F.J. A. 1995.
DNA amplification and sequencing of unidentified Dark-rumped Oceanodroma
Storm-petrels (Aves) in the North Atlantic Ocean. Boletim do Museu
Municipal do Funchal 4: 201-210 |
Hartog, J. C. 1980. Bird observations in the Selvagens Islands.
Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal 36: 111-141. |
L. & Zino, F. 1997. Bulweria bulwerii - Bulwer's Perel. In
The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their Distribution and
Abundance. (Eds: E.J.M. Hagemeijer and M.J. Blair) pp:19. T &
A. D. Poyser, London. |
J.-L., F. Zino, M. Biscoito, F. Roux & B. Despin. 1986. Quelques
observations concernant la Pariade chez le Puffin Cendré Calonectris
diomedea borealis de l'Ile Selvagem Grande. Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal,
38: 5-15. |
J.-L., Jouanin, Chr., Roux, F., Zino, P.A., Zino, F. 2002. La constance
de la date de ponte au cours de la vie reproductrice chez le Puffin
Cendré, Calonectris diomedea. Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal, 53:
63-70 |
J.-L., Jouanin, Chr., Roux, F., Zino, P.A., Zino, F. 2002. Variation
de la durée d'incubation en function de la date de ponte chez
le Puffin Cendré, Calonectris diomedea. Bol. Mus. Mun.
Funchal, 53: 71-77 |
M., Martin, A. & Zino, F. 1990. Bill malformation of juvenile
Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea borealis) on Selvagem Grande.
Bocagiana, 139:1-5 |
J. R., M. Biscoito & F. Zino. 1986. New plant records from
the Salvage Islands. Bocagiana, 90:1-4. |
F., M. Biscoito, E. Blandy & H. C. Neves. 1991. Sexual dimorphism
of Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea borealis on Selvagem Grande
(30º 09'N, 15º 52'W). Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal, 43: 301-309. |
F.& Biscoito, M. 1994. Breeding seabirds in the Madeira Archipelago.
Pp.172-185 in D. N. Nettleship, J.Burger and M. Gochfield, eds. Seabirds
on Islands: threats, case studies and action plans. Cambridge,U.K.:
BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nº1). |
F., Biscoito, M. & Zino, P. 1994. Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria
bulwerii. In Birds in Europe: their Conservation Status. (eds
G. Tucker & M. Heath) pp.64-65. BirdLife International, Cambridge,
UK. |
F., Biscoito, M. & Zino, P. 1994. Little Shearwater Puffinus
assimilis. In Birds in Europe: their Conservation Status. (eds
G. Tucker & M. Heath) pp.70-71. BirdLife International, Cambridge,
UK. |
F. 1997. Oceanodroma monorhis - Swinhoe's Petrel. In The EBCC
Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their Distribution and Abundance.
(Eds: E.J.M. Hagemeijer and M.J. Blair) pp: 764. T & A. D. Poyser,
London. |
F., Biscoito, M. & Zino, P. 1994. White-faced Storm-petrel
Pelagadroma marina. In Birds in Europe: their Conservation Status.
(eds G. Tucker & M. Heath) pp.72-73. BirdLife International, Cambridge,
UK. |
F., Biscoito, M. & Zino, P. 1994. Madeiran Storm-petrel Oceanodroma
castro. In Birds in Europe: their Conservation Status. (eds G.
Tucker & M. Heath) pp.314-315. BirdLife International, Cambridge,UK. |
F., Biscoito, M.J. & Zino, P.A. 1995. Birds of the Archipelago
of Madeira and the Selvagens - New Records and checklist. Boletim
do Museu Municipal do Funchal 46: 63-100. |
F., M. Biscoito & P. Oliveira. 2000. Madeira. Pp. 473-480
In M. F. Heath & M. I. Evans, Eds. Important Bird Areas in Europe:
Priority sites for conservation. 2: Southern Europe. Cambridge, UK:
BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 8). |
P. A. 1971. The breeding of Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris
diomedea) on the Salvage Islands. Ibis 113 (1971): 212-217. |
P.A., Zino, F., Maul, T. & Biscoito, M. 1987. The laying, incubation
and fledging periods of Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedia
borealis on Selvagem Grande in 1984. Ibis 129: 393-398 |
Collins Bird Guide. Mullarney, K., Svensson, L., Zetterström,
D. & Grant, P.J., 1999. Harper Collins, London. (Available in several
Flight Identification of European Seabirds. Blomdahl, A., Breife,
B. & Holmström, N., 2003. Helm, London. (Also available in Swedish
Birds of Europe with North Africa and the Middle East. Jonsson,
L., 1993. Helm, London. (Available in several languages)
Seabirds: an Identification Guide. Harrison, P., 1985. Helm, London.
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Carwardine, M. & Camm, M.,
1995. Dorling Kindersley, London.
ID articles
Identification of Yelkouan, Balearic and Manx Shearwaters. Ricard
Gutiérrez, Birding World 3/2004: p. 111-122
A little help (Flight identification of Little Shearwater). Anthony
McGeehan & Killian Mullarney, Birdwatch 39/1995: p. 38-42
Great or Cory's? Identifying large shearwaters. Anthony McGeehan
& Ricard Gutiérrez, Birdwatch 73/1998: p. 32-36
Field separation of Fea's, Zino's and Soft-plumaged Petrels. Steve
Gantlett, Birding World 7/1995: p. 256-260
Three of a kind (Identification of Cory's, Scopoli's and Cap Verde
Shearwater). Steve Madge, Birdwatch 133/2003: p. 22-25
related web sites
Natural da Madeira To the subsection about the Selvagens Islands
(In Portuguese language).
SPEA (Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds) Here you
will further information and addresses to SPEA-Madeira and the Portuguese
Rarities Committee.